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Ask The Therapist

Not sure if physical therapy can help your problem?  Not sure what the problem is?  Not sure of where to go and who to see?  Have you tried therapy in the past with negative results?  Email your questions or concerns and a therapist will answer you back with advice on your particular issues.

What happens on my first visit?

At the time of the first visit, you will:

  1. Arrive for the appointment and fill out our new patient forms (or have them already downloaded from here and filled out).
  2. We’ll make a copy of your insurance card, and take the physical therapy prescription from the physician to put in your chart.   
  3. You will meet with one of our licensed physical therapists for an evaluation.
  4. The therapist will ask you questions about the history of your injury and your current condition.    
  5. They will ask you about your level of pain, what things seem to aggravate your injury, and what things make it feel better.    
  6. They will review any relevant medical tests with you, including X-Rays, MRI readings, blood work, etc.    
  7. The therapist will perform a physical examination of the injury to determine range of motion, strength, stability, conditioning, reflex reaction and neurological function, and assess posture.  They will also try to determine the origin of pain and inflammation.    
  8. After the examination, the therapist will discuss their findings with you and outline a plan of care to begin the process of healing and recovery.  Treatment typically starts that same day, and the therapist may also have “homework” to be done between therapy sessions.    
  9. It’s a good idea to dress comfortably in clothing that will let you move easily and give access to the body part to be examined.  Most people wear loose fitting attire like a t-shirt and shorts or sweat bottoms, and tennis shoes.
How long is a physical therapy visit?

The initial visit usually takes around 45 minutes to one hour.  It is our goal to use the most efficient and effective treatment so patients are not kept in the clinic for long periods of time.  We are open for extended hours to help people receive treatment and not impact their work schedule too much.


How many sessions of physical therapy will I need?

This is determined by the physician and the physical therapist together.  Most people typically attend therapy 2-3 times a week for treatment.  After the prescribed number of treatments, a re-evaluation is done to determine what progress has been made, and what the next step will be.  A report is sent to the physician with results and recommendations, and then further therapy sessions are scheduled as needed.