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What is Direct Access

Need to See Your Physical Therapist FAST!? You Can with Direct Access!!

In 2006 Congress passed legislation that allows patients in New York State who need Physical Therapy to go DIRECTLY to their Physical Therapist to receive an Evaluation and Treatment. A Prescription will not be required to receive Physical Therapy treatment.

Note: This is an extension of New York State's legislation that allows Physical Therapists to EVALUATE any injury. Now you can begin treatment right away.

How does it work?

You may come directly to your Physical Therapist and receive an Evaluation and Treatment for any Musculo-Skeletal Injury.  The PT can treat that acute or chronic shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, neck, back, hip, knee, ankle or foot injury RIGHT NOW. We have the ability to see you for up to 10 Visits within 30 Days. Upon completion of your Physical Therapy Evaluation, by one of our Physical Therapists, we will determine your treatment plan and if further diagnostic tools (x-ray, MRI, etc) are needed to ensure proper care, NFPT will communicate our findings with the MD of your choice. If treatment is required passed 10 Visits or 30 days, NFPT, will communicate our care to your doctor.

Who is eligible to be seen via Direct Access?

Any person in NY State is eligible to be seen directly by their Physical Therapist.

What would make Direct Access the smart choice over seeing my MD first?

Our goal is to help ensure that each of our patients receives the highest quality of Physical Therapy Care available. Direct Access enables you to receive treatment right away.

Why shouldn't I go see my doctor first?

If for any reason, you feel that you require an evaluation by your doctor first, NFPT encourages you to do so. However, you may want to see your physical therapist to update your therapeutic exercise program to ensure you are progressing or answer and questions relating to physical therapy.


Does Insurance Cover my PT through Direct Access?

It Depends on your Insurance Benefits. NFPT will be happy to verify your benefits for you. Just call our office and speak to a representative. (Worker's Compensation/No Fault and Medicare do not participate in Direct Access).

How do I get Started?

Speak to your Physical Therapist to learn more. They will direct you to one of our representatives who will verify your benefits and see if Direct Access will work for you. In addition, they will book your desired date and time for your Initial Evaluation.

How does Direct Access work in New York State?

Direct access to physical therapy is your opportunity to be evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist without first seeing your physician for a prescription. Nobody is more qualified to evaluate and rehabilitate your musculoskeletal or neurological conditions than a physical therapist. Under New York State law, you are allowed to be seen by a physical therapist for 10 visits or 30 days, whichever comes first, before having to see your doctor.

With patient safety in mind, you will always be referred to the appropriate physician if the therapist believes there is a more serious pathology present.

Currently, only patients with Medicare, Oxford and Empire New York State Insurances still require prescriptions. HIP insurance still requires an electronic "referral" from your primary doctor's receptionist. A quick phone call to your physician's staff will usually take care of this.